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Testimony 2

William A. Orazi

My testimony for events that occurred on a Trip to Jacksonville


My second testimony occurred when my Wife Karmen and I were driving in our red Lincoln from our home in South Florida to Jacksonville to attend a church event where my Wife’s evangelical friend Nanichy from Puerto Rico was invited to give the message.  For some reason, I decided to not stop and fill the car with gas before our trip and we ended up on a stretch of the interstate where there were no gas stations for miles and we were stuck in crawling traffic from an accident. The fuel gauge was on empty and we had way to far to go and would not make it to the next exit, I felt helpless and a bit stressed out and guilty for not getting gas as I was driving. Karmen was a little unnerved also, she looked at the gauge and gave me the look, I apologized about 10 times, kept looking at the gauge and it was below empty with the warning light on. Karmen did what she always doe’s, she prayed, about two minutes later I looked down and I saw the fuel level raised up and was showing above the quarter tank level. I told Karmen and she looked and was just as surprised and she started crying and praying very loudly again in Spanish.  I was as usual not getting it, she said it’s a miracle “I was praying that God would help us and he filled our tank with gas!”, and she continued crying and praying. I was simply in shock, we finally cleared the traffic jam and about 30 minutes later I got off at the next exit for gas. As soon as we saw a gas station, I heard a beep, the low fuel warning light was back on and the fuel gauge had fallen to below empty again.   Talk about chills, my logic was in overdrive but I couldn’t explain this.  Even after we returned home, I tried for a month to re-simulate what happened letting the gas go down to empty thinking maybe it was a glitch and I couldn’t make it happen again.  From that point on we called the red Lincoln Miracle.



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